

May 09 2017
Today, an extraordinary general meeting Oceanteam ASA (the "Company") was held in Bergen, Norway. The following was decided upon;
The Articles of Association are amended to allow Nordic Trustee ASA, trustee on behalf of the Company's bondholders, to appoint one director in Oceanteam's Board of Directors until full redemption of the bond loan. In addition, the Articles of Association are amended such that the Board of Directors shall consist of a maximum of three directors.

On behalf of Nordic Trustee ASA, Mr. Bote de Vries was appointed as a new director of the Board as from today. Mr. de Vries has a strong financial background which will complement the current Board.

As a consequence, Mr. James Hill, director of the Board since 2012, stepped down. Mr. Hill, with his unique expertise and business insight, has played an important role and made a significant contribution within the Company in dealing with the effects of the prolonged downturn in the oil and gas market. He supported the strategy of moving the Company into different markets and defining the new financial structure which is currently put in place. Oceanteam would hereby like to thank him for being a tremendous asset for the Company and for his continuous support.

The new Board of Oceanteam ASA consists of Mr. Hessel Halbesma (Chairman), Mrs. Int Pos and Mr. Bote de Vries.

Please find attached the notice of EGM and the complete minutes.

Also read:

"Oceanteam and bondholders sign new bondholders agreement as part of Company's refinancing process"

About Oceanteam ASA

The Company is comprised of two operating segments, Oceanteam Shipping and Oceanteam Solutions. Oceanteam Shipping owns, charters and manages deep-water offshore support vessels and fast support vessels. Oceanteam Solutions' focus is to provide its clients with complete offshore solutions. Oceanteam ASA has been active in the industry as an offshore solutions provider for over twelve years.

For more information:

For further information about Oceanteam ASA please contact:
CEO Haico Halbesma: +31 20 53 57 570,
CFO Wilhelm Bøhn:  +47 55 10 82 40 ,

This information is subject of the disclosure requirements pursuant to section 5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.

EGM Notice 9 May 2017

EGM Notice of attendance 9 May 2017

OTS - Articles of Association

EGM Minutes 9 May 2017